I’m an opened book. Here my socials and more!

Curious about me?

Where should we start? I grew up in an artistic family—my parents were an opera singer and ballet dancers. I was surrounded by music from a young age. I love dancing in crowds, though I’m too shy to dance in front of people, even though I might just be a pretty good dancer.

Despite having friends all over the world, I’m not a “sweet talker.” I prefer genuine connection and value efficiency. I’m not into small talk or wasting time, but I love one-on-one conversations and meaningful discussions. When the group grows beyond three people, I tend to fade into the background, listening intently, curious to hear others, and speaking up only if I have something insightful or funny to add. At house parties, you’ll usually find me making strangers feel welcome or, when I need a break from socialising: taking refuge behind the DJ decks. Music is my way of giving to others – sharing my energy even if they’re not always vibing with my playlist. Eventually, I started making my own music to express the sounds in my head (any Ableton Live fans out there?).

Few people know that I did graffiti from ages 17 to 20. Most don’t remember the nickname I tagged, but I inspired friends to join me, and one of them is now making a seven-figure income doing it. Sometimes, sharing a passion in the same room changes lives.

Photography always intrigued me since I was a kid, but I never bought a camera until drones pulled me into it. I learned editing pictures first, so by the time I finally bought a camera last year, I was ready. Now, I shoot everything in Manual on my Sony A6700, even focus.

I’ve always been a “bedroom kid”, playing with my Lego and inventing the best stories for my toys. As I aged, I discovered the outside world. Up to a point that I started to travel thanks to my friends. Traveling got me outdoors and into video-making, and building drones took me further into nature. Back when FPV was an obscure hobby, I loved piecing things together, testing, and revising my builds. Drones eventually got me into hiking to explore places I could go fly to, and the hikes even got me running downhill, which led to try running.

At one point, I became fixated on improving my sleep, so I bought a sports watch to track it, and within weeks, I moved to a quieter flat after seeing the data that I wasn’t sleeping that well. With the watch on my wrist, I figured I might as well maximize its value, so I joined a gym and started running more regularly.

I love coding. Lately, I’ve been developing this blog using Hexo (shoutout to any Hexo fans!). Sometimes, I dive into Flutter for my mobile app projects or I write scripts when I see I can automise something. My most recent role in tech involved Product Management, but I’ll always love troubleshooting code. In Product, troubleshooting happens on a broader level, but it’s still about finding that root cause.

I’m obsessed with good UX and optimizing everything. I’ve refined code for speed, streamlined my schedule, automated my home, and constantly push myself to improve. Life feels like a series of commits, and I’m always looking to push the best version of myself to the master branch.

Still here? Thanks for the interest. Here’s a sample of my creations below.

My creativity outsite work

A video I’ve filmed and edited

A DJ sets I’ve played

A music I composed

Where I’ve been and where I am

People think that’s creepy because it reveals where I am right now. But who cares really?