Key Considerations for Implementing Push Notifications

Crafting your push notification strategy involves you rethinking how to start a conversation with your users.

Key Considerations for Implementing Push Notifications

Here’s how to make sure it’s a conversation they’ll want to continue:

  1. Ask Nicely: Remember when your mom taught you to ask politely? The same applies here. Always ask for permission before sending push notifications. But don’t just ask - make a compelling case. Tell your users what’s in it for them. Maybe it’s being the first to know about a flash sale, or never missing an important update from their friends. Make them feel like they’d be missing out if they said no.

  2. Timing is Everything: Just like you wouldn’t call a friend at 3 AM (unless it’s an emergency), be thoughtful about when you’re reaching out to your users. Late-night pings are a surefire way to annoy people. Use your app analytics like a social calendar - figure out when your users are most receptive and time your notifications accordingly.

  3. Get Personal: Think of your notifications as little gifts. The more personalized, the more delightful they are to receive. Use what you know about your users to tailor your messages. It’s the difference between saying “Hey, you!” and “Hey Sarah, we found that vintage jacket you’ve been eyeing!”

  4. Be Action-Oriented: Don’t leave your users hanging. If you’re telling them something, make sure they can do something about it right away. It’s like texting a friend “Want to grab coffee?” versus “We should hang out sometime.” The first one is much more likely to lead to action.

  5. Paint a Picture: A picture is worth a thousand words, especially on a tiny phone screen. Where appropriate, jazz up your notifications with images, GIFs, or even short videos. It’s like the difference between telling a friend about your vacation and showing them photos - much more engaging!

  6. Experiment and Learn: Think of your notification strategy as a ongoing science experiment. Try different things, see what works, and refine your approach. It’s like figuring out your friend’s favorite type of memes - it takes some trial and error, but it’s worth it when you nail it.

  7. Make it Seamless: When a user taps on your notification, make sure they land exactly where they expect to. It’s like giving someone directions to a party - you want them to arrive at the front door, not wandering around the neighborhood.

  8. Know Your Audience: Remember that your iOS friends might interact differently than your Android pals. Tailor your approach accordingly. It’s like knowing which of your friends prefer calls over texts.

  9. Keep Score: Pay attention to how your notifications are performing. Are people opening them? Acting on them? It’s like noticing which of your jokes get laughs and which fall flat - use that information to keep improving.


By weaving these strategies together with our understanding of human egocentrism, you’re not just sending notifications - you’re crafting personalized, timely, and valuable mini-experiences for each of your users. And that’s the key to keeping them engaged and coming back for more.

If you want to take your push notifications to the next level of Point 4., have a read at my article talking about The ‘Me’ Factor: Harnessing Egocentrism for Irresistible Push Notifications.

Key Considerations for Implementing Push Notifications
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